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23 Rules of Subject Verb Agreement: A Complete Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Subject-Verb Agreement: 23 Rules You Need to Know

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of the English language, and mastering it can greatly improve your writing and communication skills. Subject-verb agreement tricky, right knowledge practice, become pro time. In this blog post, we will explore the 23 rules of subject-verb agreement, and provide you with all the information you need to master this important grammar concept.

Rule 1: Singular subjects require singular verbs; plural subjects require plural verbs.

Subject Verb
Dog barks
Cats play

Understanding this basic rule is the foundation for subject-verb agreement. Sets stage nuanced rules explore post.

Rule 2: Use a singular verb after each, either, neither, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no one, and nobody.

Subject Verb
Everyone enjoys
No one is

These words may seem plural, but they are considered singular, and should be followed by a singular verb.

Rule 3: Use a singular verb with distances, periods of time, sums of money, and other measurements.

Subject Verb
Five miles is
Two hours seems

Understanding when to use a singular verb with these types of measurements can prevent confusion in your writing.

Rule 4: Use a singular verb with the pronouns each, everyone, somebody, nobody, and anyone.

Subject Verb
Each person has
Someone is

These pronouns are always singular, and should be followed by a singular verb.

Rule 5: Use a singular verb with collective nouns that refer to a single unit.

Subject Verb
Team wins
Committee makes

Understanding when to use a singular verb with collective nouns can prevent confusion in your writing.

Rule 6: Use a plural verb with collective nouns that refer to a group of individuals.

Subject Verb
Faculty disagree
Team members are

Understanding when to use a plural verb with collective nouns can prevent confusion in your writing.

Rule 7: Use a singular or plural verb with expressions that indicate amount or quantity.

Subject Verb
A lot fruit is
A number employees are

Expressions that indicate amount or quantity can be tricky, but with practice, you can learn to match the verb to the appropriate subject.

Rule 8: Use a singular verb with fractions and percentages when they are used as a singular unit.

Subject Verb
Half cake is
Thirty percent students is

Understanding when to use a singular verb with fractions and percentages can prevent confusion in your writing.

Rule 9: Use a plural verb with fractions and percentages when they are used as separate units.

Subject Verb
One-third cookies are
Forty percent students are

Understanding when to use a plural verb with fractions and percentages can prevent confusion in your writing.

Rule 10: When a subject is joined by « and, » use a plural verb.

Subject Verb
Tom Jerry are
The book the pen belong

When a subject is joined by « and, » it creates a plural subject and should be followed by a plural verb.

Rule 11: When a subject is joined by « or » or « nor, » use a singular verb if both subjects are singular.

Subject Verb
Neither cat nor dog is
Either book or pen belongs

When a subject is joined by « or » or « nor, » it does not create a plural subject and should be followed by a singular verb.

Rule 12: When a compound subject contains both a singular and a plural noun, the verb should match the noun closest to it.

Subject Verb
The cat the dogs run
The dogs the cat runs

Understanding when to use a singular or plural verb with compound subjects can prevent confusion in your writing.

Rule 13: Use singular verb with titles end plural noun, use singular verb with titles end singular noun.

Title Verb
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer are
The Catcher the Rye is

Understanding when to use a singular or plural verb with titles can prevent confusion in your writing.

Rule 14: Use a singular verb with distances, periods of time, sums of money, and other measurements.

Subject Verb
Five miles is
Two hours seems

Understanding when to use a singular verb with these types of measurements can prevent confusion in your writing.

Rule 15: Use a singular verb with expressions that indicate amount or quantity.

Subject Verb
A lot the fruit is
A number of the employees are

Expressions that indicate amount or quantity can be tricky, but with practice, you can learn to match the verb to the appropriate subject.

Rule 16: Use a singular verb with fractions and percentages when they are used as a singular unit.

Subject Verb
Half the cake is
Thirty percent of the students is

Understanding when to use a singular verb with fractions and percentages can prevent confusion in your writing.

Rule 17: Use a plural verb with fractions and percentages when they are used as separate units.

Subject Verb
One-third of the cookies are
Forty percent of the students are

Understanding when to use a plural verb with fractions and percentages can prevent confusion in your writing.

Rule 18: When a subject is joined by « and, » use a plural verb.

Subject Verb
Tom Jerry are
The book the pen belong

When a subject is joined by « and, » it creates a plural subject and should be followed by a plural verb.

Rule 19: When a subject is joined by « or » or « nor, » use a singular verb if both subjects are singular.

Subject Verb
Neither the cat nor the dog is
Either the book or the pen belongs

When a subject is joined by « or » or « nor, » it does not create a plural subject and should be followed by a singular verb.

Rule 20: When a compound subject contains both a singular and a plural noun, the verb should match the noun closest to it.

Subject Verb
The cat the dogs run
The dogs the cat runs

Understanding when to use a singular or plural verb with compound subjects can prevent confusion in your writing.

Rule 21: Use singular verb with titles end plural noun, use singular verb with titles end singular noun.

Title Verb
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer are
The Catcher the Rye is

Understanding when to use a singular or plural verb with titles can prevent confusion in your writing.

Rule 22: With phrases such as “as well as,” “together with,” “including,” subject still one closest verb, verb singular if subject singular.

Subject Verb
The dog, as well as the cats likes
The cats, as well as the dog like

Understanding use singular plural verb phrases “as well as,” “together with,” “including” can prevent confusion writing.

Rule 23: Use a singular verb with singular indefinite pronouns, such as anyone, everyone, somebody, and nobody.

Subject Verb
Everyone enjoys
Nobody is

Understanding when to use a singular verb with singular indefinite pronouns can prevent confusion in your writing.

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of the English language, and mastering it can greatly improve your writing and communication skills. 23 rules discussed post cover wide range scenarios, practice, confidently apply rules writing. By understanding these rules and paying attention to the subject-verb agreement in your writing, you can ensure that your communication is clear and grammatically correct.

Legal FAQs: 23 Rules of Subject Verb Agreement

Question Answer
1. What are the 23 rules of subject-verb agreement? The 23 rules of subject-verb agreement are like the bread and butter of proper grammar. They ensure that the subject and verb in a sentence sing in perfect harmony, creating a symphony of linguistic beauty.
2. Is subject-verb agreement essential in legal writing? Absolutely! In the realm of law, precision and clarity are paramount. Subject-verb agreement ensures that the meaning of a sentence is crystal clear, leaving no room for misinterpretation or confusion.
3. Can a lack of subject-verb agreement lead to legal disputes? Oh, indeed it can! A simple mismatch between subject and verb has the potential to sow the seeds of misunderstanding, giving rise to unnecessary legal battles. Let`s not invite trouble, shall we?
4. How can I improve my understanding of subject-verb agreement? Immerse yourself in the world of grammar! Read, practice, and absorb the rules like a sponge soaks up water. Engage subject actively, watch command grow leaps bounds.
5. Are there any exceptions to the rules of subject-verb agreement? Well, well, well, isn`t grammar a delightful tapestry of patterns and exceptions? Yes, there are a few irregular verbs and unique situations that might deviate from the norm. But fear not, for with diligent study, you can conquer these exceptions like a valiant knight slaying a dragon.
6. Why do subject-verb agreement errors occur? Ah, the mysteries of the human mind! Subject-verb agreement errors often stem from a momentary lapse in attention or a lack of familiarity with the rules. But fear not, for awareness and practice are the antidotes to such slips.
7. Can subject-verb agreement impact the validity of legal contracts? Indeed, it can! A poorly constructed sentence in a legal contract could spell disaster if subject and verb fail to dance in harmony. To safeguard the integrity of legal documents, mastery of subject-verb agreement is indispensable.
8. What resources can help me master subject-verb agreement? Ah, the treasure trove of knowledge! Grammar books, online tutorials, and interactive exercises are your faithful companions in this noble quest. Embrace resources, let guide path linguistic excellence.
9. Can subject-verb agreement impact the persuasiveness of legal arguments? Certainly! Precision in language amplifies the power of persuasion. By adhering to subject-verb agreement, legal arguments resonate with clarity and authority, leaving a lasting impression on the minds of judges and juries.
10. What are the consequences of ignoring subject-verb agreement in legal writing? Oh, the horror! Ignoring subject-verb agreement in legal writing can tarnish your professional image and compromise the credibility of your work. Let`s not invite such calamity, shall we? Embrace the rules with zeal and watch your writing flourish.

Agreement on 23 Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement

This Agreement entered day _____________, 20__ parties this Agreement.

Rule Description
Rule 1 Subjects and verbs must agree in number.
Rule 2

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